Hoshi Hikari

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

i feel depressed today.... <_> *shrug*

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Full name: Hikari K to you =p
Single or taken (if taken by who): Taken~ i love mah jrockers and their pacakges XD
Sex: i'm not 16 yet ^.^ but if you're a j-rocker and wear make-up, come back to me then, suuuure~! XD
Birthday: February 14th
Sign: Aquarius
Siblings: two sisters
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Natural: dark blonde; right now: it was a reddish brown, now its fading so its more dark brown...

R e l a t i o n s h i p s....
Who are your 8 best friends?: My RL best friends are Sionai, George, Nad, Rob, Morv, Lauren, Nic, Jo, Rach, Susan, etc ^.^ I know it's more then eight, but dom't complain; it coulda gone longer, we're a big grop =p
Favorite place to shop: Glasgow 'cause its sucky here.. ;-;
What do you have if anything pierced?: ears, that's all.. i had three holes, but i never used the third so it closed ^_^; gotta get it again
Do you do drugs?: No way o_o my friends do enough of that for the world XD
What kind of shampoo do you use?: whatever's there XD
What are you most scared of?: death... heights.. failing...
What are you listening to right now?: Vanilla bY Gackt, whatelse? =p
Who was the last person that called you?: Sionai~
Where do you want to get married: Eeeek, that's thinking far too far ahead x.x
How many Messenger buddies do you have online right now?: I closed AIM.. but on MSN only 3 outta 54.. it's early.

F a v o r i t e s ..
Color: purple, or green
Number: 14
Food: right now i cant eat cause i got my braces tightened and its damn sore ;-;
Boys name: Gaaaaaackt!
Girls name: Gaaaaackt! ('member the aaaaa *nod* its important)
Subjects in school: Computing Studies~ ^^
Sport(s): I only ever do karate ^_^; Tho' I like stuff like athletics too... dont wanna do it tho, for fear of looking stupid compared to lil sis =p

H a v e Y o u E v e r...
Given someone a bath?: no... yet... =p
Made yourself throw-up: nope o_o not on purpose
Gone skinny-dipping?: no
Been in love? Yes
Cried to get out of trouble? prolly when i was little... and as for my friends, i just gotta turn on that sad puppydog face and it works for them =p haha

F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d ...
Red: hot
Cow: Moo
Zebra: the sims
Herbal: Shampoo
Conspiracy: the conspiracy of orthodonists to make their patients anorexic by tightening braces so much that its painful to friggin eat soft food grrrrr
Muffins: ....she'll kill XD
Hippo: big
Macaroni: i want food........

F i n a l Q u e s t i o ns ...
Do you like filling these out?: *shrug* nothing better to do with my life.. well, i do.. but... uh.. that's not the point. go away.
What is the last film you saw at the theatre?: *scratches head* you know, i honestly can't remember... o.o
Favorite cartoon character?: Chii!!!! Syaoran! Van! All those! XD
What do you have for breakfast in the morning?: nothing
Who would you hate being locked in a room with?: Anyone that hates J-rock and is homophobic and stuff o_o
Who is your crush?: none of your business =p it's not a crush anyway, i'm a stalker. yes. muhahaha. FEAR ME.

W h i c h O n e o f Y o u r F r i e n d s....
Is the craziest? >>
<_> me XD
Is the loudest? used to be geo, but since her tongue is busy inside ed's throat all teh time, lauren now ^_^;;
Is the smartest? kain o_ov
Is the best artist?: Deanna! O_O
Would you want to be locked in a room with: =p
Is the shyest?: Nic
Would do anything for money? depends how much.. and what i guess XD
Who is the most athletic? Sionai's obsessed with sports.. ¬¬
Creeps you out? no one.. 'cause the things that creep most people out, I enjoy/do/approve of... XD i prolly creep my friends out cause of my hyperness, jrock addiction and yaoi addiction..
Makes fun of you the most?: Sionai. T_T she baka.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."

I really like this song..

Okay.. i should post... well.

Just got back from the youth club thingy I go to. It was fun as usual; they're all really nice people ^^ 'tho that lil 12/13 year old guy is just starting to SLIGHTLY peeve me off ^_^;; he won't leave me alone, he was all over me and he DOESN'T TAKE A HINT.. >_> I'm sorry Vangs, I've shamed you, I'm not evil enough to be one of you... evil H-chan just seems to make people laugh and like me. ;_;

Anyway.. today.. back to school today. After a 2 week holiday... s' ok tho'. Nice to see everyone again. ^_^ And classes aren't bad.

Good thing: George is back from Canada. Yay! George is one of the people I'm closest to and who really knows the REAL me, not many people know that... ^_^
Bad thing: Rob wasn't in school today.. his phone was switched off also which meant he was still in bed about second period. TT; I think he's having a really depressive period right now.. ;-; and I understand why completely... and I'm there for him, and am gonna have a talk with him, but I'm not supposed to know why he's depressed... meh.. o.o but I don't want him to wreck his life. ;___; he's got too much going for him.. he can't just flunk outta school.. gotta talk to him... help him..

Oh, guess what. When I came back from school today, my other school bag was emptied and all my stuff on my bed. T___T;; Just glad nothing was in it.. o.o;; Although my mum DID apologize yesterday bigly about being horrible to me, and treating me the way she does.. whoa.. o_o that was after a big thing yesterday which I will NOT go into.. I got cheered up anyways later the night~ ^*^

Watched Blade II and Moulin Rouge the other day~~ Blade2 COULD have been good.. but it was SOOOOO overdone.. I mean.. I've seen over-done movies that totally go way overboard with special effects and stuff.. but Blade II was just soemthing else.. it was just so much it was just pathetic. XD
Moulin Rouge.. I actually quite liked that... although.. all my friends cried at the end.. I laughed. o_o;;v

I don't like the game Ico... it's not that it's hard.. it's just one of those creepy games.. o.o; I don't mind scary ones usually, where you could die, or the world will blow up, or there's mutant zombies needing killing or something.. but I don't like that kind. ^_^;;;

3 things I don't like:

  • The though of dying/facing death/ the thought of becoming non-existant after death, also the thought of living forever after death... i'm really wierd and hypocritical huh ^_^;

  • Heights.. o.o; I''m okay with some.. but I don't like to be too high up.. 'specially when there's no water below.. @_@

  • Scary/horror movies.. o.o I'm NOT a wimp or anything, I just don't like freakin myself out for enjyoment.. i don't get kicks outta it.. XD I can stand them, but I don't like them... go laugh then. OP.. although gothic/themes of death and destruction/evil etc don't scare me~ :DDD and one of my fav bands is MM, and well, they're pretty scary.. XDDDD I'm starting to rabble again.. ehe. oh well anyways~~

  • One thing tho'... I DON'T LIKE KITCHEN KNIFES. They don't even CUT properly. Grr. I'm going sue them or something. Hear that? I'm gonna sue, SUE! *grumbles* It's really pathetic isn't it, when someone who's really black and down and depressive etc, tries to self-harm, but the friggin knife won't do any damage.. XDDD lol... I'm pathetic...

    Hehe... I'm okay today tho'.. neutral... ^_^
